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At LYH we are not lead by trends. We are of course effected by them; it’s a natural progression. However as I mentioned in a previous blog, we are lead and influenced by our wonderfully diverse customers
During the middle of last year we began to notice a shift. Customers visiting the showroom were strangely attracted to our Peridot Stain Resistant Velvet fabric (shown below on our Beatrice Bed).
A few of us in the office had already begun to feel oddly attracted to this slightly 70s green velvet. Then customers visiting the showroom began to request samples. This spring the SR Velvet Peridot has earned its place within our house range. Following this, it seems overnight the whole world, social media, print media and fashion have gone green crazy!
Kitchen above by La based interior designers Black laquer design.
Green house above from cocolapinedesign
Now…I have always had a soft spot for green. I insist on having the Woods Ware Beryl range, at home, as our every day china - much to my families disgust. When describing the range to friends I say, "You know, Women’s Institute china!", "Oh yes!" they say.
But The NEW emerging green is not a WI ironic, vintage, mint green seen on bunting and organza gingham ribbon at the village bake contest!
The NEW green is a grown up considered pallet. This green is not just one colour, but the relationship between a group of colours. This green is a progression from forest green, moving tonally from Emerald to Teal.
NEW maximus by Love your home.
NEW Accessories range by Love your home.
This green has attitude.
It’s strong and confident.
It has a point of view.
Not washed out, but vintage.
It is consciously decorated.
Think contrast piping, highlights of brass, lush green plants and bold highlights of geometric pattern.
Below our wonderful Tallulah Chaise Longue - By Love your home.
Choose bold established looking fabrics such as velvet and leather. Choose the tone of green that’s right for you and it will grow with you as your style does.
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