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I love New Year, The feeling of possibility. Sitting at my desk in the beautiful surrey hills, looking at the clean white frost, and blue sky, I feel the slate really has been swept clean. I can feel the energy of spring below the earth, just waiting to explode!
But where to start…….a new project, healthy eating, start cooking, redecorate the house, practice mindfulness. Maybe chose one, or two!!. I have asked the girls diverse group of girls, here, in the Love your home office, for goals they have for 2017 , and the books that they hope will help them.
Katie Putt, our Marketing manager,is dedicating her spare time to developing her work as an Artist. She will be reading -
1) Designing your Life.by bill Burnett and Dave Evans Published by Penguine. Available from Waterstones
The New York Times number one Bestseller designing your life by, Silicon Valley design innovators Bill Burnett and Dave Evans. Useing their expertise to help you work out what you want – and how to get it. Whether we’re 20, 40, 60 or older. Many of us are still looking for an answer to that perennial question, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up? Following their phenomenally successful Life Design course, Now in book form for the first time, their simple method will teach you how to use basic design tools to create a life that will work for you.
Sam Boshoff, our Admin manager has 2 lovely girls under the age of 6, but with children comes clutter. Sam is staring her year with
2) Spark Joy an illustrated guide to japaneese declutterung. Available from From Foyles
Spark of joy follows, Marie-kondos first book, The life-changing Magic of tidy, a book that really did change my life last year. This is and in-depth, illustrated, room by room guide to de-cluttring and organizing your home.
Leigh Harmer, Designer and Director of love-your-home. Ieigh ls a firm believer in exercise to keep fit and balanced,both mentally and physically (well he tries to ;). Dedicated to hot yoga, this year he is climbing Kilimanjaro, so will be pounding the local footpaths in preparation, Leigh will be reading -
3 Run for your life; Mindful running for a happy life - Available from Amazon
Anyone who has gone for a run or even a brisk walk knows, the uplifting happy feeling it gives you, some put this down to the release of endorphins ? In this book William Pullen, teaches , how to focus your energy to experience our emotions in motion. Run for your life offers Taylor made thought excersises inspired by mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy. This book is designed to offer space for you to reflect on your practice and run through life’s ups and downs.
Lizzy admin Assistant at Love-your-home, is a strong believer in natural living and alternative approaches to health, expecting her first child later this year. Lizzy will be reading:
4 Soupology by Stephen Argent – Available from Soupologie
This is much more than a book of plant and veg based soup recipes. Soupology begins clearly explaining all the nutritional information you need, so you can find out which ingredients will have the most impact for you. Low on energy? get those B-vitamins packed into your soup. Need to drop a few pounds? focus on the metabolism-boosting recipes. Constantly getting colds? Get going with the immune-boosting soups. All recipes are · Recipes are plant-based and gluten-free, so can be enjoyed by everyone. This book is a natural following on from the health benefits of Juicing.
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